Nice writing! :D
Excellent drumtrack. You should create a clone of the hats and clap, and make one of each of them completely stereo, while the other still centered. It'll really bring out the drums more, so that everything isnt sitting on the center channel.
Overall on the drum mixing, they need to be a decent bit louder.
That sequence that comes in about a 1/4 through is impressive, I like that a lot.
The strings you have in the beginning are deceptive because it seems like a slow song then you drop the beat, its neat.
On the master EQ I would add a little bit more high freqs to make it crisper, but thats just IMO.
As for the effects, not a whole lot of effects. If nothing else you should use a hard limiter on it, and maybe a side chain on a bassline. But at lease use a hard limiter, it'll bring the mix up nice and thick.
Just my opinions mostly, but regardless, nice writing.
10/10 5/5